Tag Archives: india

CloudFlare probes mystery interception of site traffic across India

Traffic to Pirate Bay and others redirected to AirTel banned URL notice An unknown agency in India, possibly telco Airtel, is quietly capitalising on encryption gaps in sites tended by DDOS-buster CloudFlare to intercept and redirect users.…

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CloudFlare probes mystery interception of site traffic across India

NCA arrests six Lizard Squad users after gaming firms, retailers targeted

Officers also visiting 50 addresses for a quiet word The National Crime Agency has arrested six users of a Lizard Squad DDoS attack tool, which had been used against a national newspaper, a school, gaming companies, and a number of online retailers.…

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NCA arrests six Lizard Squad users after gaming firms, retailers targeted

DDoSsers use reflection amplification to crank up the volume to 100Gbps+

Ne’er-do-wells: ‘Hey.’ Dumb servers: ‘WHAT?’ Targets: ‘AAARGH’ DDoS attacks have grown in volume yet again with 25 attacks larger than 100Gbps globally in Q1 2015, according to the latest stats from DDoS mitigation firm Arbor Networks.…

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DDoSsers use reflection amplification to crank up the volume to 100Gbps+

Polymorphic Beebone botnet sinkholed in international police operation

On April 8, a global operation targeted the Beebone (also known as AAEH) botnet, a polymorphic downloader bot which installs various forms of malware on victims’ computers. Initial figures show tha…

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Polymorphic Beebone botnet sinkholed in international police operation

Nearly half of all DDoS attacks uses multiple attack vectors

Akamai released a new security report that provides analysis and insight into the global attack threat landscape including DDoS attacks. Akamai observed a 52 percent increase in average peak band…

Nearly half of all DDoS attacks uses multiple attack vectors

DDoS attacks continue to fall in size and frequency

The newest up-and-coming countries of origin for DDoS attacks will be Vietnam, India and Indonesia in 2015, according to Black Lotus. While these countries don’t have the necessary bandwidth to lau…

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DDoS attacks continue to fall in size and frequency

Got a botnet? Thinking of using it to mine Bitcoin? Don’t bother

McAfee says crooks will be better off sticking to spam and DDoS Despite an increase in popularity over recent months amongst botnet operators, malware-powered Bitcoin mining brings little to no financial return, say experts.…

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Got a botnet? Thinking of using it to mine Bitcoin? Don’t bother